Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oprah Winfrey.

Do the one thing you think you cannot do.
Fail at it.
Try again.
Do better the second time.
The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire.
This is your moment.
Own it.

                                                                                                           ~Oprah Winfrey~

Aku try digest satu-satu maksud tersurat tersirat dan berselirat dari Oprah Winfrey.
Serious shit aku rasa kagum gila dengan minah sorang ni..
Sangat confident.
Sangat berani.
Sangat berpengetahuan.
Sangat telus.
Sangat berdedikasi.
Sangat Berhemah.
Ceh. Da macam buat tagline puloks.

ghopE beliAu di awal kemunculan~
tak kesah la xkiut pun.
yang penting kaya!

Tu je nak update??



  1. sy juga minat tgk oprah ni..sgt lah konfiden but she knows what she's talking about..bkn sekadar merapu atau tjk hebat je kn =)

    respect lah dia! ^_^


tAk puAs atI dengAn issue ini?? siLa Lahh berteKak..=D