Wednesday, October 13, 2010

i am addicTED to VamPIrE!

thou im was never good at geometri, i would expect more on this love square~
who care?

the very cRazeNess, OBbseSsioNess, & full oF iLLusiOnEss from mE are BACK!

finisHing full epiSode from season 1 of vampIRe Diaries last night,
 cant forgET EverY SEcoNd the Way Damon had kissed Elena!
Yep~ she wasn't Elena ecaxtly...
but again...
after all,
Damon has sacrifice his love towards Elena for his brother..
he was hurt!
he pretEnd to feel emoTIonLess to eveRYone..
pReTENd to be eVil..
pRetend to be CrueL..
But he loves hEr..
hE love her, bebeh!!
sungguh tacing** T_T

i loooooVe this sceNE very Much...
*18Sx Oke.
doNT caRE!

can see from his eyes when he hesitately want to kiss ELena at first..
know Y???
bcoz he afraiD of loosing her...
owh...sedih~ -_-
seaSon 2 alReady out on sEP 9,
ha! just on my birthDay~
whAa..thanks for the loveLY pResent guys \(^,^)/
*verY the pERasAn*

if gonna ask mE whethER do i afraiD of GhOSt???


how can i resist if a damn cUTE handSome & gentLEgHOst likE this evA exist!

*singgah MPH cari vamPIRE diarIES TODAY~

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tAk puAs atI dengAn issue ini?? siLa Lahh berteKak..=D